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White Pearl
White Pearl
A story of truth and purpose, divided amongst 12 main characters.
Story-central RPG with turn based combat, expansive scenario and refined gameplay.
White Pearl can only be downloaded for PC Windows systems.
White Pearl features:
25 hours of main story
Hours of additional content
A story which deeply explores the characters, but also the world around them.
A crafting system
Turn based battle system
Interesting gameplay
The world of Ottrea constantly undergoes a period of calamity, known as Dark Eras. It is believed that the Dark Eras are caused to happen due to the Priori, who sow the seeds of darkness within the world.
As to why they happen, it is unknown.
White Pearl follows the story of Pearlto, how he met characters with intertwined connections and pasts - and how he became tasked with preventing the forthcoming of the Fifth Dark Era.
This, coupled with the looming threat of the Priori (who are the antagonists of the game), means Pearlto is under immense stress in order to keep peace within Ottrea - lest calamity happen a fifth time.
Even so, the origins of the world still lie in mystery, but a certain someone is there to discover it all.
Gameplay - Combat
Combat in White Pearl is turn-based.
The player will decide what action each character would take. When all actions have been decided, the turn will begin - along with the enemy's.
Some skills have a charge time, meaning that the character who is charging the skill cannot take any actions while they are charging the skill during their turn, and must wait for it to finish to execute the skill.
Furthermore, some skills have a cooldown - meaning they will have to be used strategically.
Gameplay - Field
Players may interact with objects in the field, outside of combat.
Most of the time, interaction with these objects is crucial to progression within the game - such as solving a puzzle.
Also, there are lore books around the world of Ottrea which can be found and read by the player. These lore books detail more about the mythology and history of Ottrea - but aren't necessary to read as the main story will cover more than enough.
Gameplay - Content
Besides from the main quest, there are also numerous sidequests you can complete - and areas to unlock and find. Doing this additional content will reap great rewards!
There is also crafting within the game, which is unlocked once the first chapter is complete. You can make entirely new gear, or reinforce gear which you already own. You do all this by using materials, with certain ones being dropped by enemies and materials such as leather or cloth available at shops.
White Pearl is free and forever will be.
During the creation of White Pearl, I have used several assets other people have made
open to the community of RPGMaker to use.
Namely, the scripts and tilesets.
No copyright infringment is intended to their original owners.
I will not be making profit from White Pearl.
Creation Engine: RPGMakerVXAce
Interfacing Engine: Luna Engine
Battle Engine: Yanfly Engine
Victor Engine
Story, Characters, Design:
Harry Gill
Square Enix (Final Fantasy IV Tilesets)
Enterbrain (Core RPGMaker Tilesets)
Animation Graphics
Square Enix
Map, Asset and Interfacing Creation:
Harry Gill
Victor Sant (Victor Engine)
Mr. Trivel
Casper Gaming
Sound Direction:
Harry Gill
Owner of Sound Effects & Background Sound:
Square Enix
Music By: (music does not belong to White Pearl/me)
Masashi Hamauzu
Hitoshi Sakimoto
Nobuo Uematsu
Naoshi Mizuta
Tsuyoshi Sekito
Mitsuto Suzuki
Mitsuhiro Kaneda
Azusa Chiba
Kimihiro Abe
Masaharu Iwata
Yoshimi Kudo
Yoko Shimomura
Noriyuki Kamikura
Oliver Curtis
Holly Gill
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans