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Welcome to Winstick!
A simple endless top-down shooter inspired by Risk of Rain 2, Binding of Isaac and Hades, with some spice of Legend of Zelda, rendered in a mild PSX style.

Survive waves of enemies, buy equipment, and see how far you can get before you get overwhelmed.
#action #retro #scifi #arcade #roguelike #analog #shooter #Winstick

Mild Fantasy Violence

Decided to give some flair and personality to parts of my game, and linked up this boombox to the music in my game.

I've just uploaded Winstick's largest update yet!

An issue where enemies will not stop pathfinding and therefore not be able to use any abilities has been fixed.

The update is currently being uploaded!

Version 0.0.4 of Winstick has now been released!


An issue causing a crash when the player returns to the main menu during gameplay has been fixed.

An issue where you couldn't change between windowed and fullscreen without changing resolution first has been fixed.

Health and Armor now gets stacked together tighter as you gain more of them, supporting indefinite amounts.

An issue where a couple of menu elements weren't selectable by controller has been fixed.

An issue where the player could access the item overview screen from the pause menu, causing the game to unpause and the menu to get stuck overlayed, has been fixed.

Hotfix time!

The gamepad menu navigation system has been redone fromt the ground up and should now be a lot more stable and reliable.

An issue where gamepad navigation of the options menu didn't highlight selections has been fixed.

Each enemy type is unique and has unique behaviours, we have some that just rushes the player, some that fire projectiles, some that wait then dashes, and some that forms lines that block the player's path and more! #Winstick

In the future, I am hoping to add some metroidvania/zelda like exploration by allowing the player to choose which room to enter, having a map to consult and items that aid in navigation and accessing unique areas. #Winstick