
Comments (28)

What do you think?

is the right hand door the mansion not meant to open? or is that where the demo ends cos i can't find anything else to do... beautiful game btw (~ ._.)~*

i only played the demo but it has aa bug :)

When is it gonna be finished

i dont know what to do when i get to the mansion i explored the place but nothing happens

pretty good i can tell this is going to be good. it reminds me of games like ib. but less dark.


Winter (Demo Version)

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Winter Theme by Krichotomy

So this game is a major project I am currently working on~

What is this game about:

-It's a Horror/Romance story surrounding our main protagonist: Thyme

What will the actual game feature:

-It will have "maybe 2" Major motion picture cutscenes with an anime art style.

-So yeah this IS a huge project!

The Download is a DEMO atm (BTW In the 2nd floor hall in order to get downstair you HAVE to step on the SECOND block in from the left)


-Musics from,, and the main tune from Krichotomy

-The Tileset is from RPG Maker DLC: Rural Farm

-And this is just the demo and I will be adding in the puzzles in the final release!

  • Also this story is based on a book I've written as a kid when I grew up in a snowey place somewhere in the US~

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Few More Weeks Left

Finally back on track and ready to finish this winter game and i wanted it to be when spring is here!



Winter is Coming

So good news as I continue adding more and more maps to reach the end …the rate that i’m going should be a couple of weeks depending. I will anounce the date release when I see that i’m almost done!

I have an Official Voice Actor

More News and Updates! (And Maybe A Release Date?)