Comments (2)
Game sounds interesting lol, any gameplay footage? I also just released some of my games here as well would you mind maybe checking them out and leaving some feedback if you play them?
WiTCH'S NiGHT is a free rhythm bullet dodge game mainly inspired by osu! and made with Unity (and my hands)
Level editor that allows you to create your own mapsets that other people can play
Score submissions and leaderboards for each approved map
Stylish game title
Getting started
To start playing simply press "Download maps" button in the main menu, download map, close maps downloader and press "Play" button. Now select map you want to play and press "Play" button at the right bottom of the screen
To start mapping (creating levels) open editor from main menu and press "?" button at the top right corner of the screen. It contains a huge manual that should help you getting started at mapping
While in gameplay use your mouse or anything that can register cursor position to move your character
Use mousescroll while holding Left Alt to control volume level
Use Escape button to pause / unpause while playing
Click map in the selection menu with right mouse button to view what you can do with it (open in editor, redownload, delete etc.)
The game is currently in development but already has the essentials to play. Lots and lots of new features will be added / improved so stay around
If you have found any bugs or things that shouldnt behave like they do please write it in the comments.