Comments (5)
Really awesome game! I wish I understood the controls a bit better though. I included it in my Music Video(game) Jam 2016 compilation video, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/D6vjPoz5MRE

I really did like the game but I kind of had a few comments about it towards the end. The game ended up crashing on me at the very end and I was just generally confused lol. I recorded it for your enjoyment and also to kind of show you some of the things I was confused about. Hope you continue to work on this game :)
Well I had fun and liked the rythm aspect although I couldn't give the parachute to the guy clinging to the remains of the helicopter and my parachute just shot confetti out :/
I did a video in it here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qh1TgUqg9g