Comments (8)
looks like dreams have come true
As Usual Gameplay from Z9ZGAMES Channel!!
With All Thanks to the Creator of the Game!!
Hey Dev,
I gave it a go, I love this game, such a cool concept. I only played through the tutorial but I plan on playing more in my free time. I think at the point I got to is probably a good place to stop the demo anyways. 15 minutes is generally a good demo length and you definitely show off what makes this game unique. More feedback can be found in the video. Keep up the amazing work!
My Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwzFAPjaB1o
Worldline Demo
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Intro
- 2.Title
- 3.Sanctum
- 4.original cheracter copyirght (c) 2072 (Aaggie's Theme)
- 5.You Dork! (Greg's Theme)
- 6.Rad Dude has Relaxing Day (Rupert's Theme)
- 7.You're Thinking About... Fish (Phamerah's Theme)
- 8.Training Simulation
- 9.Battle Against an Overused Reference (VS Tear Boss)
- 10.Game Over
- 11.Worldline
- 12.Jingle - Item Get
- 13.Jingle - Upgrade Get
- 14.Jingle - Weapon Get
- 15.Bonus - Beltox Boogie (Ester's Theme)
- 16.Bonus - Die (Prauq's Theme)
- 17.Bonus - Pin
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Worldine is a 2D action/puzzle platformer for the PC. Using VHS-inspired time manipulation, you can solve challenging puzzles and defeat otherworldy enemies capable of corrupting the fabric of reality. Inspiration for this sci-fi spin on time manipulation comes from Cave Story and Blinx the Time Sweeper.

With the power of essence, use six time-altering powers on both yourself and your enemies. With the ability to pause, slow, rewind, fast-forward, record, and reset time, Worldline excels in providing unique combat situations and interesting puzzles.

Extra-dimensional horrors known as tears destroy the very fabric of reality, resulting in retro-style corruptions. Designed to authentically recreate real corruptions, our built-in corruption engine works in real time, giving each player a unique experience.

Lights, Camera, Unskippable Cutscenes
Experience a lovingly-built sci-fi universe as you go off to unique planets in search of stolen artifacts of power. Meet plenty of memorable characters along the way.

Social Media
#puzzle #action #platformer #retro #scifi #adventure #2d #corruption #corruptions #time