Comments (9)
What happened to Sequere Lumen? :(
es genial
I love it! =)
I really like this game! This is something that I would play over and over again because of how fun it is. I like the art style, the concept because of how nuts it is, and I like the voice clips that play at the end of the levels. The only problems I had were the fact that I couldn't get the cursor to move around the whole screen (but you're already aware of that) and the fact that I did lose track of the cursor after a while. I can look past that, but those two things are gonna be BIG problems for most people.
I made a video here, if you want to see it.
I don't know what to think of this one...
It's a certaintly a twin-stick style shoot them up with explosions and destruction and tonnes of visual flair. But perhaps a little too much. Whilst I was certaintly engaged with what was going on, I found it difficult to find my crosshair on-screen sometimes.
Reminds me heavily of Gorrilaz, Breakout and the ZX Spectrum all in one.
Good job!
You are all fired
You are a boss, and your workers are on strike! What you do in this moment? Yeah, teach them a lesson and kill them all with your deadly drone!
You controll a drone with the WASD keys and your goal is to shot the moving targets.
This game contains 20 levels and has randomly generatet power ups!
Note: Game Maker is a very wacky engine.. for some users it's possible that the mouse can't be moved through the entire screen. that happens for some because the game resolution is not synchronizing with your screen resolution. Sadly there is no way to fix that.
This problem can be solved by changing the screen reolution as close as possible to the 1600 x 1200 like the game is running.