Comments (53)
Omygad ! This ending xDD I just want to hug to death the narrator. :3'
Well done ! :D
Can't believe I wasted my time on this.
The best unity game I've played in a long time, great job. 10/10 Cheers man.
I never been humiliated like this entire life
You Can't F*cking Lose! (18+)
Preface: Please, play with audio, or wait until a time when you can play with audio. Also, if you make a video of this game, the creators love watching them! Please post a link in the comments if you do!
You Can't Fucking Lose, this game is not to be taken seriously. Please reach at least level 4 before casting your eternally positive judgement on this glorious work of art.
The game is a narration on my feelings on the commerical game Industry. It is also a narration on gamers. Games keep getting easier as a whole, while others scream for something more unique and harder. This marries the two concepts in to a cohesive platformer that will please the hardcore, and those that wish to have their hands held. Enjoy.
Lastly, this is just a side proejct. "Larger" projects will be in the works shortly. Most of the coding for the game itself is already done. Mainly waiting on art/music/voice acting. Whenever all of that arrives, the game will be playable.
Strong Language
Mature Humor