Comments (7)
wht the ** is the terrible
the mac is so.....
Can you make a Mac version by any chance?
can you upload it as a .zip?
Your average text adventure game
A customizable mod-ular text adventure game. I dont know what will be in it or how everything will work yet. As for the mod part im looking at all of the mob/item/location/etc data will be held in files. ex: data/mob/goblin.txt making it easy to change mobs, add new mobs, and completely change up the game. (thumbnail obviously made in paint and is not an accurate depiction of the game as its in alpha alpha pre-alpha verson 0.0.000001; also the name may change as the game changes)
loading of mobs
basic combat
vv--things i have to do--vv
~has to read files from data
~~~create monsters and items from filename
~~when fetched will load contents
~~lots of loading data
-monster data need to load data ex. "health = 20" "damage = 0-3"
-make drops have chance, ex. "iron sword = 45" "potionx5 = 67"
~~make equipment and weapons
-needs some sort of command, like 'equip'
-equip iron sword
~~items need 'tags'
-each item has a data number ex. iron sword will be 1, as well as weapons in the range of 1000, equipment 2000, naterials 3000, etc
-equip <itemname> |or| equip <itemname> <slotname>
-unequip <itemanme>
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor