Comments (18)
Gayme suck 🤓
worst game ever🔥🔥
Not worry I like that
You may are wondering, what IS Mighty.EXE SOUL Take?
Basically there are TWO parts, one of them Is gonna be the (RE) TAKE, and the other will be a full on.. NEW thing..-
So, now you know!!
BUT anyways, the Story begins when a boy named David Roger..-
: STORY!!! :..-
Who was a fan of STH (Sonic The Hedgehog). & his FAVORITE char was Mighty, Mighty The Armadillo. Sooo.. his favorite game to play was Knuckles' Choatix, since It did have Mighty in it (Aside from SegaSonic TH)..
..So one day he got a package from his friend, Ryan, & In that package.. was an old cartridge of Knuckles' Choatix..? There was also a note telling him to.. "Burn the cartridge try anything just to get rid of this cartridge."..
..But, David wasn't buying It and started up the GAME..so that's where the FUN, begins..--
Also I'm gonna inform you, that this game will soon, soon, soon, SOONER than ever, will be better than this mess right now.
So, It's gonna come out in.. 21321341847247 years!!!
Anyways, hope you're excited for..
: THE SHITASS TEAM!!! :..- (It's the official name lmao.)
Team Leader, Owner & Founder, Coder & Spriter: @blast_1-11 (MY BOI!! who literally does almost all the work!!.)..
2nd Spriter, Pixel Artist & Artist: @CIassicSonic (YES!! another talented person who made the thumbnail and others..)..
Beta Tester, Writer & Story Writer: @MassiveDumbass (ME!! who also wrote this description!!.. pain.)..
Now, leave!!!
#horror #fangame #action #adventure #arcade #platformer #retro #survival #puzzle #other
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed