Comments (2)
Really neat game! I included it in part 1 of my Female Link Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)
The tile switching is a pretty interesting feature, but the amount of enemies seems too high. It didn't really give me the room to play with that cool swapping.
The game takes place on the Overworld map from The Legend of Zelda. You are trying to collect the seven orbs. The only enemies are skeletons and a red witch.
You don't get any items, but you can switch tiles around using magic. The red witch can also change tiles. Really, anything that happens that seems like a bug or a glitch is, in fact, the red witch's evil magic.
I wanted to make a game where players experience a familiar space in a new way.
Thank you for playing,
Spike.House.Games < a t > gmail < d o t > com
The game can be controlled with the keyboard or joystick.
Arrow Keys & Joystick: Moves character.
X & Joystick Button 1: Swap held tile with the tile in front of you.
Z & Joystick Button 2: Swaps the tile in front of you with the tile behind you.
Other Peoples Work:
This game uses the map layout data from Al Sweigart’s Zelda Walking Tour map, which you can find out about at
Though the map data was used, none of Sweigart's source code was used.
Art Credits:
The game uses open source art work from a variety of sources. All the artwork used in the game is located in the Artwork folder. Any modified artwork is licensed CC BY-SA 3.0:
The Liberated Pixel Cup assets set for the girl sprites, and the map tiles.
Anthors: Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm), Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike), Charles Sanchez (AKA CharlesGabriel), Manuel Riecke (AKA MrBeast), & Daniel Armstrong (AKA HughSpectrum)
This art is attributed CC BY-SA 3.0Some of the mountain tiles contain art based on
Credit goes to Daniel Cook's 2d Circle Graphic Archive, Jetrel's mockups resized 32x32, Bertram's improvements, Zabin's modification and additions, Saphy (TMW) tall grass and please provide a link back to OGA and this submission. This art is CC BY 3.0.The skeleton from
Author: Johannes Sjölund, [email protected]
This art is attributed CC BY-SA 3.0The heart from
By cougarmanification and is CC0The orb from
By Mumu and is CC0