
Comments (15)

What do you think?

I got all the trophies. It was easy. The game is not very good. 3/5

Nice yet challenging platformer!
I regret skipping the 1st scene, I thought the message means that I have to press space bar. You should've placed message about 'press space to skip' couple seconds after scene is played to show a bit of scene :)
Anyways, even though this is challenging game, you should start with easy stuff at beginning of level. For instance, don't use holes and instead use tall walls to force player to jump at first level. Start inserting holes as level progresses

Shooting feature is cool and it's good thing that certain enemy can shoot too. It'd be better if first shooting enemy only shoots forward instead of shoot toward player. But I'm fine either way :)
But the real problem with shooting is that the dragon (whatever) is less reliable. It doesn't turn as responsive as player and it oftenly flies inside platform causing it's projectile to be blocked by platform :(. It would be better if that dragon flies lower (about player's legs) and always faces same direction as player

Boss fights are cool and challenging, it would be better if the screen can't scroll to left after boss appears to prevent player from going back and to prevent boss projectile appearing from offscreen
I'll play this again if I have time :)

Fun game! I included it in part 13 of my GameBoy Jam Compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Muito bacana e difícil! Quase o dia inteiro nesta bagaça rs'. Ótimo trabalho...Parabéns!


Muito legal cara e bem difícil, o passaro me lembrou um pouco o papagaio dos DKC!

Por favor, dá uma jogadinha e vota lá no nosso jogo da GBJam: GAZA



Zelphyr's Revenge

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Zelphyr is a simple man has your family assassinated for one dragon. When he lost your hope one unexpected friend has emerged, together they will behind the dragon for revenged your family.

Game developed for the #gbjam3.

Palette: #000000 #4E823A #AEC43E #D5E994

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Vote :)

Hi guys!
Played and liked this game or played and not liked? Please vote: P.
This was my first jam and I was happy to participate.