
Comments (8)

What do you think?

This is gonna be fun, lemme tell ya.

add the council of cone

Man this could be good

add an airplane boss that is a dragon


An uproar in the Brass Kingdom caused a rebellion against the Tuba King. That rebellion caused the exiling of a bunch of Cone people. The people a part of that rebellion were called the Cone Rebellion. Centuries later, the Cone Rebellion rose up to create the Cone Empire. Cone Man, the leader of the rebellion, chose 5 strong members of the rebellion to be part of the Cone Council. However, in the rise of the empire, the council betrayed Cone Man resulting in the dethroning of Cone Man. After this, the council began to lead the kingdom into ruin, pushing the weak in an area of the empire called The Dark Cone and the strong to the capital of the empire. In the present day, the Cone Council has decided to remove the Dark Cone from the empire, and by doing that everyone in Dark Cone will be killed. To counter this decision,  two warriors that live in the dark cone rebel against the council, those warriors' names are Comi and Tuba Girl. As they set off on this journey, a spy of the council hears about this and tells the council. The council angered by this tells its strongest troops to go after them, and so the story begins.

"This shall be the fall of the Cone Council" #vector #action #strategy #bullethell #shooter #adventure

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Oof, forgot to change it to early access, now you can enjoy the test game. Sorry

The test game has released, enjoy

30 minutes left

On March 27 - April 27, A Zephyr: The Cone Wars TEST GAME will available to play

Get ready

Updates are coming

Just to show this is official

Zephyr will be a Bullet Hell game

Zephyr will be free


This game is planned to release depending on Project Brass