Untitled Game
2 months ago

0.17.3 is Underway

Hello everyone! While I was planning what to introduce in the next update, a small annoying bug was found in which the "Lucky Move" perk was not working properly on multiplayer, this hotfix was primarily made to address this but, a few more popped out while testing so, I'll be addressing those as well in a small hotfix and bring a few more changes before I start working on 0.18.0, I'm planning to release this update today if everything goes well, if not, in the next few days asap.


See you guys soon!



Next up

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

Algumas foto de como tá a HUD agora, ainda quero muda muita coisa mas tá bonito até

Devlog #3 Some thoughts, New things and changes

primeira vez que tento fazer animação pra botões na HUD, até que não fico nada mal

In-game options and next steps!

Changelog 0.17.2

fiz alguns icones pros perks, ainda tem alguns pra fazer mas boa parte já tá pronta