Untitled Game
4 years ago

0.4.x New things and LOTS OF FIX SORRY ABOUT THAT

HELLO! MAYBE YOU GUYS HAVE SEEN THAT BUT I UPLOADED AT LEAST 3 VERSIONS OF THE 0.4.X RIGHT? that's because I called some friends to test the game and, well, they are finding bugs like water, so, 0.4.x is here and I will try to remember everything I have fixed on these versions

Changelog 0.4.x


  • New weapon - Knife

  • Walk and attack animations for the zombies

  • Inventory HUD

  • Main menu

  • Options for graphic and mouse sensivity

  • Life regeneration (regen up to 25%)

  • Dynamic shadows on the flashlight

  • Random spawn points for the player


  • You need to press enter to start the first wave

  • Interact button was changed from E to F

  • Flashlight button was changed from F to T

  • Leaning buttons was changed from Z, X to Q, E

  • Melee weapons now reward 6$ instead of 2$

  • Decreased light intensity while shooting

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where zombies did not attack the player correctly

  • Fixed a bug where zombies ignore some barricades

  • Fixed a bug where the knife was causing area damage

  • Fixed a bug where the zombies were not attacking the player when he was too close to a wall

  • Fixed a bug where the "Go Back" button was not appear on the main menu options

  • Fixed a bug where the money text was not being displayed correctly

  • Fixed a bug where the kill count text was not being displayed correctly



Next up

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?

Changelog 0.17.2

fiz alguns icones pros perks, ainda tem alguns pra fazer mas boa parte já tá pronta

Changelog 0.7.0

Nickname System, improving a few things, and maybe a reconnect system!

Devlog #6 New lobby, Appearance and more!