A REQUEST: If you’re enjoying Spellrazor at all, please rate it. Your ratings mean a lot, and I really do listen to your concerns and suggestions for ways to make it better. The higher the rating, the more people get to see it and the longer I can keep making games.
Okay, now with that message out of the way - this build includes a bunch of requests made by various people (thanks all - I love hearing your feedback):
A tutorial taking you through the basics of playing the game
Choice of game modes from the start menu
Fixes for Lightning weirdness
Simpler opening of vaults (just type the password now, not OPEN xxxx)
‘Daily Challenge’ mode - this is a seed that alters each day. Groovy.
Enjoy. As ever, any problems, please let me know! If you want spoiler-ey help, use the contact form at [www.fluttermind.com].