FNaF World: Fixed

1 month ago

2.1.0 Patch notes


Hey guys, new quick patch after maybe the longest time with no updates.

Remember to share the game with other FNaF World enthusiasts!


All Versions

  • Overworld

    • Patched a possible bug where leveling up could not work properly in specific conditions and when closing the game;

    • Fixed a bug where the attacking animation of party members would become invisible if such member got damaged mid attack;

    • The screen shaking time no longer gets overwritten by weaker shakes;

    • Having flashing lights off will now cause Scott's battle background to have a slower animation;

    • Fixed a bug where, by fighting a challenger, Overworld music would become muted;

    • If legacy mode is off, Overworld music does not get reset upon entering a battle.


  • File selection

    • Resetting save data now properly removes trophies. This was a visual bug.


  • File selection

    • Resetting save data no longer resets the music.



Next up

2.4.1 Patch notes

2.3.6 Patch notes

2.4.3 Patch notes

2.4.4 Patch notes - 'The last details' update

2.3.5 Patch notes

2.5.0 Patch notes - Definitive Edition

2.4.2 Patch notes

2.4.5 Patch notes

2.4 Patch notes