We actually made some re-overhalls to many parts of the project.
Let's get started!
Yeah so we have new team members!
Welcome @Hotcream @UTMuseix @JJDude
@DMDFCVerbatim @Katsu_Lmao
our newest members!
So yeah the team has growen a lot!
Yeah so we have a new asgore design:

You should have probably seen it already.
We also have a new undyne design, too-

And Chara-

(By @DumbLunixChan )
So yeah.
We are still in a phase 1 of the art development.
But I am planning to find more sprite artists(since we only have like 3 or 4) and actually start working on sprite sheets!
Yeah so-
We made some HUGE progress with music.
We are still yet to release most of them but we released one:
Here it is-
Quite bangers, Right?
Me and @EmeraldExpress are working on the battle engine and @JustYourAverageUTFan made a new text engine which is neat.

So we re-did some parts of the story.
And I think we made some neat progress with the character wrting.
Thank you :)
We were at 80 followers last month.
Yet we some how managed to get like 33 more followers in a month which is the most ammount of followers I have ever gotten!
Thank all of you who followed this small project.
And I hope you will stay for what's about to come!

Timmithy Tuyoki
Toby Radiate