As you can see by the latest increase in screenshot progress, Claude is now heavly in development again.
I had to take a little time to sort real world problems out but Im back on the Job of developing this game. At the moment, this week is generally focused on getting all the story systems in place.
I recently added a machanic that allows for a different set of captions to appear in every level (instructions or story elements), all with different settings such as; speed of individual captions, font, location on screen, fade time, exit method (fade or destroy), how many lines per level and more. Its proberbly one of the most durable machanics that I have made in a game so far, its simple but I can totally customize it without having to change the code for each level. If i was to talk more indepth, it also runs off the same object that generates everything else in the level. I generaly try to make the code as compact and neat as possible just to cut down on time but it also helps avoid wasted FPS.
Thanks for reading this little ramble, hope to see you downloading Claude soon.