Number 1:
Work on the Shifted Reality Comic has started, the script is completely done and now BrittNinja is about to start the art portion of the comic. My hopes is that it should be done by the end of September but we'll see. I'm so excited to continue to updated you all on it.
Number 2:
We've started putting more exclusive news on Discord as this gamepage is too cluttered with just random stuff. If you want to see character designs, concepts, and early samples of both script and music the Discord is your place to be.
Number 3:
Our amazing and talented Composer Kami/Ghostwaslost has officially left the team. Give her a great goodbye. She was our first member to join the team and a huge contributer music wise. It's sad to see her go but irl stuff has gotten terribly in the way for her. Her final theme will be for Undyne's battle and it's a complete banger so please support that when it's out you all won't regret it.
Alright that's it for big news stuff this month! I updated the game page a bit for our socials so check those out and keep tuned in for next months devlog.
Neo out!