On behalf of the creator and directors of the game, we thank everyone for supporting this game and appreciate all the effort we make.
Discord: https://discord.gg/qXD4AXpyDs
What is the current state of game?
The game is undergoing a facelift, which involves a redesign of characters, story tweaks, graphics renovation, etc.
New trailer coming soon.
A new teaser trailer will be in production. The directors and I the creator (RexozGames) have planned to develop a new teaser trailer because of the facelift and the old teaser trailer which had no merit and fell short in content because of the little time that had been invested in the old trailer.
How is the development of the game itself going?
With the help of @N1ceNToasty we have made bases of what will be the game and different tests to not leave behind what is the code of the game, from the facelift of the game, the code will be redone again.
Miscellaneous images on the current state of the game.
Actual office (Not finished)

Matthew redesign & comparison
New model

Old model

Well, this is the current state of the game, we have not advanced much due to the busy schedule, but you can do your part if you join the development of this project.
See u later.