Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Surreal Show-off!" [Hiatus]

10 months ago

A Big Announcement!

Fierce Forces "Joint Jolt!" Community Header and "Stellar Showoff!" Gamepage Header

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #StellarShowoff

There's a change of plan in making the header for Fierce Forces community.
Since an unexpected event happened
(another Fangame, which the game page was recently released)

The soon made header will represent the main first project which is "Imagine It!" ~ featuring. Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!"
(In his Good Mode as was planned since the post with the poll)
with the latest semi part of Fierce Forces project which is the new fan-game, that
will feature the Main Villain (Wonder who's that?)

Instead, not in the community, but here ~ "Stellar Showoff!"
the game page will receive a new updated header which will include:
Anew Stellar Sonic with Top Stellar Shadow.

Those who are interested of joining "Joint Jolt!" community, are welcome.

That's the announcement for today. Hope you have a wonderful day/night.

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Next up

Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Joint Jolt!" ~ Community Header "Pizza Paradise!"

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #FNaSMMMM #MegaMergeMaxMix #Horror #ArtWork #Art #DigitalArt



Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

I've been asking for months, although rarely, if someone can support by joining the community:

I ask again, that if anyone can help to gain (below 30) more members in Fierce Forces "Joint Jolt!" community, to finally reach 500...

For those who don't know, my content is more horror based.

Although sometimes or more rather, often. I mix it with humor as in the case of my Fierce Forces.

However, this is not the case in here, it's only horror.

Rat Race Production Update

Elemental Rings ~ "Surreal Show-off!" Small Change/Update

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #SurrealShowoff #Horror #Fangame #ArtWork #Art