FNaBP, But Better!
4 months ago

A break.

As I've been developing FNaBP 1 CN, my motivation for it has significantly reduced, and I overall haven't really been working on it because I want to, I just feel forced to work on it and many IRL things have been happening that have overall damaged my mental health as a whole.

Due to this, I'm probably going to step away from FNaBP 1 CN for a little bit and work on one of the other CNs in the collection. (my main goal is to work on FNaBP 2 CN atm)

Don't worry, FNaBP 1 CN isn't cancelled (i never said that :skull:), I just need a break from it for a bit.



Next up

remade the header for 1.0, its not much but it should hopefully be more appealing than it was before lmao

this will not stay forever btw, when 2.0 comes out this WILL be replaced with the 2.0 header

ill probably redo the thumbnail when 2.0 comes out

you can customize the key you use for the flashlight

js a misc qol thing i added cus why not

NOTE: You can't use Escape as a key, & you won't be able to leave the Options menu until you select a key. (you can still Alt + F4 tho, it js wont save)

some progress ive made during my work with this as of rn

the characters in monochrome are the ones not programmed (all of the secret characters being color isnt gonna be whats there in the final game, just screenshot thing)


beta testing stage has advanced to v0.3. only 5 more characters and then this game will be out after some more beta testing.

(new characters programmed for this build are nightmare bonnie and chica)

next plan for ais is wfoxy and then nfreddy


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

The official Discord server for FNaBP, But Better is open!

Come on in and have a good time! (Just be sure to read the rules before you start chatting)

And the first character programmed is Bon-Bon!

This was the easiest AI to program, so he's programmed first. Next up is Funtime Freddy!

(also this finally means i'll be releasing a game)

Rat Race Production Update

Power Out sequence for FNaBP 1 CN