The next few updates are laying out the ground work for a finished game, so we would like to outline what the finished game will be like, hopefully letting you let us know what you want for the future of Argoza.
Hey there! Since you're interested in this post, let's lay out the most amazing news first, we are teaming up with 2 amazing Artists and Story-writers! Penguin & Mac. Now we probably won't use their art for this game, but we will definitely use their storytelling ability to improve the already existing story, or make up something entirely new!

Second, this project has the highest amount of objects and assets out of any other game we've worked on, meaning it will take a hekkin long time to load, not good but there is nothing we can do about it, we just wanted to let you know.
That's the end of Part 1 of the 0.0.15 Devlog, part 2 maybe soon
Edit: If you want a copy of Argoza, make sure to subscribe to our Patreon! We will be selling copies on GameJolt itself soon, but not now. (You can end your subscription and keep Argoza!)