
4 months ago

Runtime: Around an Hour

In my opinion, Act 2 Is far Scarier than anything I've made before, But also much Harder, and darker.

This is by far the nost nervous I've been for a release, Considering how different it is to what I've made in the past, and how much more 'personal' parts of the story are to me.

Known Bugs:

  • If you pause in the Ventilation system, You cannot Resume.

  • Roxy has a tendency to T-Pose while Jumpscaring.
    I'll be able to fix these Tomorrow (Monday)

If you played the 1 Night Alpha, Here's the New Changes:


  • Removed 'Continue' and 'New Game' button, Instead, Added a 'play' button and a 'Reset Save' button so you don't accidentally Reset Your Save Data.


  • Lowered First Footstep volume for Roxy and Chica

  • Increased Chica Footstep Pitch

  • Lowered Roxy Footstep Pitch

  • Lowered 6AM Song Volume, Added a Fade-in as well.

  • Lowered volume of Ambient Tracks by 20%

  • Lowered Main Menu volume by 30%

  • Lowered Jumpscare Volume by 10%


  • Added Collision to Escalators (I did this before...but i believe UE Crashed and i lost the changes lol)

  • Fixed LODs on Animatronics,

    LOD's will now Force 0 When at the door or Jumpscaring, and 2 when only on Cameras.

If you got Early Access to the Demo, here's what's new in V0.1.1:


  • Changed Multiple Entries in the Diary.

  • Fixed Max's Mom's name in the diary.

  • Made the AI more Difficult.

  • Added a pre-night Voice Message

  • Added a Mouse Smoothing toggle to The Settings Menu, currently it'll only take effect after transitioning to a different level

  • Changed the N2 Pre Night description to be more clear

  • Reworked All Animatronics A.I. (now multiple can attack at once, but only if it's fair. I.E, Chica can't attack at the same time as Monty, or Moon, etc)

  • Decreased Packaged Size from 1.35GB to 1.15GB

  • Fixed Inconsistent Time in Night 1

  • Fixed spelling errors in Night 2 Pre-Night description.

  • Fixed Disabled 'play' button when starting without a Save File.

  • Fixed 6AM Bugs.

  • Fixed Max's house from sending you back to a previous Night.

  • Fixed Default Settings from not loading.



Next up

New Name + Logo!

N3 • The Hospital (W.I.P)

Night 3 • "You'll have to make your way through the Forest, And find the Emergency tunnel system Directly North of your location. There's an exit not too far from the PizzaPlex, You should find the Gas Station to the Left of the exit. Meet me there."


The original Act 1 Main Menu, scrapped due to animation issues... and for being really generic lol (Made ~ 1/19/2024)

Rat Race Production Update

Thanks for 1,100 downloads of Act 1! The Act 2 Demo releases this sunday!

March 13th. Your flashlight will now have a Limited Battery tied to the Characters Phone.

''Could someone be at my window?''

(Forgot to post this) A little pointless can now press 1-9 to change Cameras as well as the regular Monitor. Added this for quickly changing between Cams 6, 7 or 8, and the Breaker Cam. Also a look at the Daycare Attendants 'Attack' Animation.