This is just an update that fixes some major issues and adds a little something before Beta 1.0 which, if you didn't know, is the entire game remade in Godot 4.0. The storms have been long canceled for Alpha 3.0.
I'm not even sure if Beta 1.0 will have storms. Beta 1.0 is just a rewrite of the game, and there's already a lot I have to do.
Anyway, that's it.
Tool 'Hoe' creates new land for planting limbs
Blur effect in menus
Fade when starting a game or switching between areas
The pickup sounds for all items
Skin Color Selection
Item 'Scrap' that does literally nothing :)
The backyard now only starts with two limb holes
Improved background colors
Removed tutorial
Limb holes now appear behind the grass tiles
Improved the lamp's lighting
Lantern now has physics when held
Improved all animations
The player freezes while attempting to plant a limb while moving
Fix: Attempting to bury a limb while moving will pick up the limb instead.
Missing shadows on a wall
... And several more