Known Bugs For Early Alpha Build
1.Character Lumeya when defending will not reset animation after her time bar recovers until it is her turn again.
Character will do their escape animation when escaping battle even after they are dead.
Attack Power/Damage output sometimes resets to 0 (may notice magic will sometimes take 0)
Rare instances of magic missing (need to make it so that magic cannot miss at all)
Rare instance of critical attacks missing ( will do the same for magic)
Battle encounters may happen(rarely) when talking to the second brother in the alpha demo if this happens, may need to restart the game as it may glitch in a loop.
Layers for players and enemies will be corrected for the next demo which will have an actual section from the game.
Sound Effects will be adjusted
General grammar errors. “some dialogue will be spelled wrong on purpose to go with characters personality”
If you have any feed back please give them we are eager to hear what you have to say about the game. Feel free to make any playthrough/commentary videos on it as well ^__^.
Also let us know how the game runs on your system. We ran across some instances where the game ran slow but so far this has only happend on one computer.