2 years ago

Alright, listen up gamers. This is the first devlog for

'OPERATION GAMES RAID 2023' (official name).

These devlogs will be in 3 phases:

-Introduction (now).

-Games list reveal.

-WIP of these games.

*Read article*

Phase 1: Introduction.

Before we begin, just a little reminder... NO NEW GAMES UNTIL 2023.

So, The whole month of December will be preparations, set up, R&D and development of the new games to be released in the first months of 2023. When I say release new games, the "Upload a game button" will beg me for mercy.

In short, here is the deal. The first 2 months of 2023 will be loaded really hard. The games to expect there will be under two formats. PC (as usual) and Mobile (new format).

What does Mobile mean? That means these games are optimized and made to be best playable for phones ONLY. The thumbnail of these mobile games will be enough special to notice it. These Mobile games will be, in theory, playable on all sizes of phone screens, and never have to download them. To play them on your phone, you must from your device go to the Gamejolt website, find my account (pikawilliam11), check the Mobile playlist games (playlists are on their way soon too, if working as I think), then just press the play button. Enjoy, your Miniclip for mobile :0.

The games list is still under early alpha now, but you can expect good stuff including, and not limited to, the reviving of some forgotten/old DSiWare, NES games, arcades, etc. And more original and unique games.

The devlog of phase 2 'Games list reveal' should be announced on December 10 or 11 2022.

Stay tuned.



Next up

It's a small and simple game about endlessly riding a bumper car in an arena full of bumper cars. Perfect for passing the time quickly.


Gn jolters


WIP for "How fish were born"

The voices manager is now functionnal.

If these progress continue, this game should be released before February, unless a plot twist happens.



Good night jolters.

Will make some assets this weekend for new games soon

pikawilliam11 recap of 2023

(I was too tired to do a long video, so here is something easier to do).





I know I know, I didn't post about WIP for a new game for days, but I was busy at work

This weekend, I will prepare assets for new games so I can post new games WIP.

Wait a minute....


Thanks folks for this journey

More new unique games on their way to continue on this track c:

My games website is progressing well.

After uploading over 2k of game files (my 73 games made so far, oof) my website is now hosting my games to be played there.

I will still be uploading my new games on GJ, but also on my new website for visibility