An Aspie Life

7 years ago

An Aspie Life is now OUT!

An Aspie Life is now OUT! After a year and a half, we are finally here! An Aspie Life is now done… well mostly (still expect support and a bug fix every now and again).

Welcome to the thank yous!

Well, thank you iAwards, ACMI, Young ICT Explorers and the teachers of Mansfield State High School for all the help to get me to where we are Today. Thanks.

Also, thank you, the members of the indie game groups. Again thank you for helping with the development.

I’m not expecting An Aspie Life to be a break out success. It’s not meant to be that, it’s goal is to portray Asperger syndrome. So because people keep saying “thank you for making this game, It means a lot” Then I think it’s successful in its own way.

In term of failures. I’ve learnt a lot from this project. Mainly, work out the UI and controls before the graphics.

Well, where now… I’m going to take a break for a year or 2 while I focus on Uni. That being said I’m going to be still making games… smaller games, going to game jams and learning Unity. plus developing the next game’s story and art… a game set 300 or so years after An Aspie life… But tackles a Sci-Fi topic.

I’ll be posting smaller games here —>

I’ll be posting work of the next game here —>




Next up

Animation Work

Haven’t posted for a few weeks, as I wanted to focus on a re-work of the AI system. I was attempting to finalize and fix up the final few bugs in the Enemy AI!

30th of March

This week, work began on the final revamp to the core mechanics! A redo of the Conversation battle and its systems.

Animation !!!!

This Aussie Teen Wanted People To Understand His Autism, So He Made A Video Game READ IT HERE — >…

So what development got done this week? Well, the focus has been on finishing off the new character art.

This week the focus was on balancing the game’s character statistics and adding locked Trap Doors. 

After 2 years, An Aspie Life has received its first Major Update!