There will be a lot of changes going on… and fairly… A LOT.
I’ve been actually working on a SIP (Science Investigation Project) that involves if acidity actually affects electricity. I don’t know that if it’s a revolutionary thought, but I know that my roommate’s SIP’s better than us. I’m not gonna give out info, since I respect the anonymity of my collaborators.
And also, this is not counted as an update, but rather an announcement, if you already read the damn blog title above.
Now… the reason I’ve made this announcement is the major change that will happen in the game. I already have the game mechanics working but the intro? It feels kinda used up and I wanted to go more on an adventurous type of game where the player can make his own decision. And thus, creating a more complex and a viable gameplay that actually mirrors Left 4 Dead’s replay ability.
Of course, there are a lot of changes, but this is all for today. This is KatanaHiroshi, signing off.