Old Acquaintances is now live! As part of the release, we have included a telling menu background, one which many vagri will be familiar with, especially those who have played the Pilgrims of the Wasteland scenario. The Black Sands and the distant ruins of Arx Mortis is, after all, where it all ended – and where it shall begin anew in the new DLC – for Sedarias.
Of course, there are other options for the menu’s background. Among these are Sunfire and Moonshadow’s unique background, which requires the player to own the expansion, alongside the two default options that are available for anyone who owns the base game. There is also a unique background that those who know and understand Javek’s story may enjoy. One can adjust and choose these backgrounds by clicking the button that shows two arrows linking together in the bottom right corner of the menu screen.
Either way, we recommend you play around with them yourself. That’s all for this short post; otherwise, we’ll send you off with our usual farewell: stay safe, stay vigilant, and conquer the wasteland!
– The Lost Pilgrims Team
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