Greetings Pilots!
Welcome to version 0.1.2! Finally bringing in goodies such as basic player progression and customizable keybinds to your virtual doorsteps. You may also be pleased to note that a new multi-purpose fighter has been added to the pilotable roster for you to try out.

In addition, there are some noticeable changes to the in-game visuals, mainly the bloom, giving it more glow and making most effects more pleasant to look at.
The full changelog is as follows:
Added saving
Added remappable keys
Added new pilotable fighter
Added context-sensitive tips for time-compression
Added sound effect for jumpdrive-created wormholes
Large ships can now call for reinforcements
Adjusted bloom effects
Corrections to spawn tables - bombers are less likely to appear for roles not - suitable to them
Fixed rendering bug when jumping in 3rd person
Fixed “set as player” not functioning from main menu
Fixed alternate 1st person camera mode gimping throttle controls
Fixed two or more waypoints spawning on the same POI
Minor corrections made to AI fighters, mainly for combat
Waypoint-based missions now tell you on its description how many waypoints to expect
Waypoint-based mission text on the directives panel now tell you how many waypoints remain
That’s it for now! Coming up in the next update - size will start to matter more, a change of scenery will occur and aiming won’t exclusively be used via the mouse. Thank you for taking the time!