If you're reading this, then I'm looking for people who want to be part of a development team on Roblox.

So, all you need is Roblox Studio. It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned developer or a beginner. Aside from that, I'm looking for people that want to create passion projects with others, and people that are willing to listen to other's ideas.

If you are interested in this, and want to apply, all you need to do is comment down below what you would like to do (make sure the role isn't filled), and then I'll make sure that the role isn't filled, and if it isn't, then you got the job! If the role is filled, and you would like to apply for something else, just make sure to post here about it. If you get the job, I'll send you a friend request, and we can add each other on Roblox.

For now, I don't have a group on Roblox yet, but I'll add one when I'm not broke. I also don't have a name for the development studio yet, so if you have any ideas, feel free letting me know. We will also talk about pay but that depends on if the team agrees on it.

I already do some scripting, building, and animating, so that should lower the amount of members needed. Below are the roles available:
-Programmer (0/1)
-Building/Modeler (1/2)
-Music Composer (1/1) --Full
-Artist (0/2)
-Tester (2/4)
I'll take care of animations and some scripting lol.

I've finally reached the conclusion. As said before, I'll be creating a group on Roblox for the development team, and if you have any good name ideas, feel free to lmk. I think that's everything for now, and I hope I can actually get a few members. #roblox #studio #RobloxStudio #dev #games #artists #modelers #builders #music #advertisements #ads #idontevenknowanymore #programmers #testers