9 months ago


Hello, everyone!!!

It is I, Radio Pontoons. You may either know me as the devilishly handsome internet fellow, the talented writer, or heck, maybe even the schizophrenic! Well, I have arrived to look for help!
Some of you guys might have noticed that, for a while now, I have been working on an analog/mascot horror film titled "The Whisker's Initiative"! It's been in pre-production for quite a while, but, on February of 2024...huzzah! Filming officially started, and has still been continuing to this day.

However, just because we are currently filming doesn't mean some early work on editing has currently begun, aswell as some script polishing. And now, I could confidently say that we might be ahead of schedule! So this means that...i'll have to look for some voice actors!

Wait...what the fudge is even "The Whisker's Initiative"?!

I'm glad you asked! Have this quick synopsis excerpt from the teaser trailer...

The Whisker’s Initiative is an analog mascot horror film, 5 years in the making, directed by Radio Pontoons and produced by FrenneticGoat Studios.

The film follows Dylan, a college film student working with a few friends on a film project. They settle on adapting "The Whisker's Initiative", an internet horror story that Dylan is obssesed with. However, things go terribly wrong once they actually begin filming the project. Behaviors and bonds begin to break, people start going sick, equipment goes missing. And on one fateful night…someone rings the doorbell. The costumes have been delivered outside his house.

The film is expected to release in Summer of 2024. It is entirely filmed in live action, featuring various revolutionary concepts and ideas, never before seen in analog horror or mascot horror. Co-Written by Radio Pontoons, Chip, RefEhiy and Uncle_Jimmy.

Starring…Radio Pontoons as Dylan Watts and Whisker, Chip as Lucas Eisenberg and Gary Gangster, Claybert as Chris, Maenrro as Whisker and Sammy Garnace, M.P as Polly the Polar Bear, and Henry Pontoons as Eliott.

And, incase you want to see both the teaser trailer and the prequel video yourself, suit yourself!

Teaser Trailer

Sleep Depravation Assistance Tape

So...what roles do you need voices for?

I'm glad you asked! Here are quick descriptions for some of these possible roles...


  • Female (Sounds like a 19-21 year old approx.)

  • Sweet sounding and caring.

  • Constantly worried for others and the people she loves.


  • Male (Sounds like if he were on his late 30s).

  • Voice that matches that of Pete the Dog's from the old Mickey Mouse caricatures.

  • Threatening and menacing, but with a soft side to him.



  • Male (Sounds like if he were on his early 40s).

  • Loud and almost grumpy-esque voice, but calm and menacing whenever he needs to be. His voice is also somewhat exaggerated, once again as if it were coming from old Mickey Mouse caricatures.

  • Overall seemingly just a jerk and a rude person.


  • Male (Sounds like if he were on his early 30s).

  • Calm and somewhat quiet, maintaining almost a somewhat depressing tone. There seems to be a little spark of pain within him.



  • Male (Sounds like if he were on his late 30s).

  • Tired and even somewhat depressed...he doesn't sound like he's on the mood to do anything.

  • Just overall a mental and emotional wreck.


  • Male (Sounds like if he were on his 40s max.)

  • Determined and conclusive. He's dedicated to find and finish something.

  • Direct with his statements and questions, and does not briefly question anything else that seems to be said.

How can I apply?

It's super easy. All you gotta do is dm me on discord, or send over a dm request here on game jolt. Afterwards, send your voice lines, and I will let you know whether you have been accepted or not!

Discord: radiopontoons

Either way, if you are NOT accepted, you will still receive an extra-special sneak peek at the film, which will not be posted as a part of the marketing plan of the film.

However, if you're not interested in applying but still found the premise semi-intriguing, feel free to send this over to some V/A friends to see if they would like to apply! It would mean alot lmao.

So, thank you very much, and cya later!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Radio Pontoons

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Next up

Reflecting on 2024/The Future in 2025

“Graveyard Shift at Freddy’s and the future of FNaF Remakes” is set to release this week.

The video is going to cover Graveyard Shift at Freddy’s, and will also pitch a potential new FNaF reimagining.

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This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

Follow “Whisker’s Initiative” on Twitter for more updates regarding the film!


Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

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