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In Space Wreck, you get XP almost exclusively for completing TODOs (or "quests") - no level-grinding on trash mobs.
Regardless, earn enough experience and you'll get a level up, of course.
Not everyone is as thrilled as you about the newest crowd-control weapon, shockgun.
Heads up! We have a demo version available for download!
Lie detection is now automatic. And, yes, it sometimes opens new options to confront the NPC.
Space Wreck is a non-linear game. It is short but full of content.
This star map shows some (but not all) of your decisions that form your unique story.
Note: this is still WIP
Guys, this has gone too far! :D
Junk items can be a useful distraction. Handy, if you want to lure unsuspecting NPCs to a more favourable position.
There are a lot of mechanics in Space Wreck but you don't have to use or even know about them to enjoy the game. Still, I wanted to at least hint players of possibilities. So we put our GIFs on the loading screen.
Once again we have reworked our UI, this time changing the layout so that all on-screen interface elements are grouped around the screen slate (sort of a pip-boy). This way all you need is in one place.
If you are drunk when talking to an NPC, you get an additional dialog option - an insult. While usually, this will close any future conversations with the person, it grants you a temporary confidence boost in form of a bonus of 5 maxHP.