Who is InfiniteGames?
What are we working for?
InfiniteGames was founded by Cristina Ortego and Néstor Perales.
The idea of making videogames was always in Néstor’s head, since he was a child. He studied computer engineering for making his dream real. In his way, he met Cristina, a talented self-educated artist. Néstor felt in love with Cristina’s art, and he asked her for doing “some” draws for his final engineering project…2 years later Cristina is a great artist, with a lot of experience, and Aqueloo has born from her hands!
Néstor’s hyper-creative and distracted mind is countered and controlled by Cristina’s well-organized and sensible mind. Together, they are the perfect couple for directing a videogame development studio.
During Aqueloo’s development, a new necessity appeared: we needed music and sounds for it. Elena Aznar and Adrián Estrada joined our team: Elena is a fantastic unsocial piano composer who won a price for Aqueloo (best OST for an Indie Videogame) and Adrian is the boy for everything (he can test and debug the game, produce a video, create sounds, do the shopping,… we love him!).
Finally, Néstor needed help at programming, so he could spent more time designing and making levels. Santiago Pelegrín joined as our new incredible experienced engineer (but we never know when he is there - he is very quiet).
As a solid and complementary team, we are experts in videogame development (teachers, engineers, programmers, experienced artists…) and we aim to provide something extra to society through the biggest and most powerful entertainment source today. We are not satisfied with just creating fun games that attract a big number of players; we want to give them something to think about, something that helps them grow as people, that don’t leave them indifferent.

I would like your help and opinion about Aqueloo!
You can play Aqueloo in this link: Demo
You can support Aqueloo in this link: Aqueloo
You can vote Aqueloo in Steam Greenlight here: Greenlight
Thanks for your help!