Welcome to the world that does not tolerate any rules, in No Rule Lives. Everything is possible here! This game has elements of sandbox, survival, strategy and unlimited possibilities! I have already posted a similar project, Survival Life. But due to certain difficulties with the engine, it had to be transferred to GODOT. At the moment, Beta 1.0 version is ready. It already has the ability to travel around the generated, build, create things (torch, sword, pickaxe, axe, hammer, rope, bow, arrow, spear, sword), grow food. Of course, with each version it will be better and better, elements of the game will be added, as well as old ones will be improved and bugs will be fixed.
In the Beta 2.0 version, a change of day and night, NPC animals will be added, both peaceful (cow, chicken, sheep), and aggressive (wolf, bear) with the ability to breed them. A variety of food vegetables and fruits. And also an anvil for metal processing.
All and not only this will be in the next update.