Hey peeps!
Firstly, we hope 2021 is treating you well so far.
Secondly, since we are taking a break from other projects I decided to implement some knowledge I learned from Terminus into this project (like the "save anywhere" feature and UI stuff).
This version pretty much has most of the things (in my opinion) finalized. Meaning: the important features exist in this version and the rest can be tweaked or added later on, but whatever is expected in the final version should be seen in this version of the demo.
Thirdly, even though this verison works with WebGL, I decided to remove it because one of the effects (that I think is important) does not work. (however if some people want the WebGL version available regardless of having some effects missing, let me know and I may put it up if the demand is high enough. Otherwise, it's kinda not worth the time wasted)
With that said, here's the changelog of the new version (and this one's big, so buckle up):
Added new graphical style (same pixelated but with extra effects)
Added launcher where you change main settings, check achievements, scores, credits and a walkthrough for those who are struggling with the game.
Added save system
Added map system
Added multi-language system (with English and Polish) (translation done by Piotr Bunkowski)
Added weight mechanic (most items have weight to them, and you can carry as many items in your inventory as long as [all of the items combined] don't cross the weight threshold; further giving use to the drop function)
Added an item pickup screen (instead of telling you what you picked up, it will ask you whether you want to pick it up or not)
Added ability to pull the props you can push
Added new settings menu
Added another healing item: Cough syrup (heals 5 health points)
Added ability to look up/down in the FPS mode using Q and Y/Z buttons
Added event if you block the way to the diner with the enemy inside it or if you block the enemy out of it and get the plunger
Added more achievements
Added warning in the start of the game letting people know this game's UI is controlled by keyboard/gamepad only
Added hiding spot health (on normal difficulty, the hiding spots get damaged if you get caught/pulled out of hiding spots)
Improved lighting: the darkness is less dark and more blue-ish
Improved the oil lamp model
Improved TV objects: the screens have gloss and turned on TVs change to animated static.
Improved lightsource dropping: if you drop a turned on light, the player will turn it on when you pick it up again. If you drop it while you turned it off, he will equip it but turn it off
Improved push mechanic: some props that can be pushed have assigned weight to them so that some stuff will take longer to push and less for others
Improved pushing mechanic: switching to push/pull action will change the player's idle stance and player should no longer clip into pushable props
Improved pushing: you can now push/pull with 2D/Analog control settings (albeit, not very correct as this game is made with tank controls in mind)
Improved interaction with doors, you can open/close them in "Push/Pull" mode now
Improved toggle-able lamp in the dining area: the light covers more area, it's less glowy and it changes if there is no power (the fuse is out)
Improved tutorial: it's a bit shorter, hopefully more to-the-point and now you can have in-game tutorials that appear as you go along. You can also view tutorial from the pause menu as well
Changed the item display perspective
Changed some camera angles
Changed game icon (there's 2 variations: one for 64x64 and under, one over 64x64)
Fixed camera clipping into objects
Fixed cameras angles not changing
Fixed camera being blocked in the kitchen area by adding a new camera angle
Fixed animations transitioning after screen fade
Fixed some shadow problems
Fixed walk/run animation when toggling the lamp on/off
Fixed a stack overflow error with the enemies interacting with locked doors
Fixed pitch-changed audio getting cut off
Fixed hurt animation
Fixed walking sounds playing when aiming a gun while the player was previously walking
Fixed subtitle text not appearing for some events (such as: putting the fuse back)
Fixed inventory following the highlighted item incorrectly when there's a lot of selectibles in the menu
Fixed grammar errors in the notepad memo
Fixed player's neck UVs that were having black pixels showing in the intro
Fixed shower key being picked-up through the shower curtain
Fixed being able to do main quest when enemy is full agro; Now you won't be able to complete quests when chased
Fixed enemy not being able to pull you out of hiding spots if they it saw you
Thank you to everyone who played the game when it was first released for the gamejam and to everyone who was following the game so far. We hope you like the updated demo!