Defender 88!
10 years ago

Bug fixes, in game instructions and more!

Hi, friends!

How are you doing? It’s Friday night, we’re moments away from the beginning of Ludum Dare, there’s a feeling of electricity in the air! So what do I bring you in Defender 88! update?

  • Some players have been missing the “Controls” section of Defender’s description, jumping head straight into our game without knowing how to fire the gun or control the submarine. So we’ve added an in game (very brief!) explanation of what the game is about. The basic controls, directions to the generators you’re supposed to save, etc, etc. You can press space to skip it.

  • Internet Explorer users were unable to play the game in this browser. This should be fixed, by now.

  • Screenshots of the game, as well as the beloved combat soundtrack of the game Asa Negra have been uploaded!

And that’s all! Game Boy Jam 4, the jam that originated this game, is still in its voting stage, so, whether you liked our game or not, please, vote for our game! :) We’re counting on you! :)




Next up

It's OK if I repost my Jack Black Bowser drawing for the #MarioMovie quest? Some people might have missed it!

Oh, and if you don't know what this drawing is referencing, click on Read Article for the link!

HELLO EVERYONE! How are you doing this Monday?

Are you folks excited for this week? What are you planning to do?

I'd love to hear it in the comments!!!

Sharing the pixel art I did for a personal project I never got to make. The player would control an enchanted chest that had to investigate the disappearance of its wizard master!

What do you think? Would this had looked cool?



Let's keep going! We're going to make a flower bounce today, and we have a lot of work to do!

Click on [Read Article] for boing-oing-oing-oing!

A photo with Abacaxi, one of my dogs!

And, yes, we're both scraggly dudes.

It's coming, folks!!! Anyone else excited???

For this #DrawABirdDay I decided to make a simple animation as if Greedy Grackle was one of the Socks from Sock Town!

Here's Greedy Grackle Sock!

#pixelart #animation

Everybody talking about the Super Mario movie and here I am thinking how cool it would be if they made a movie out of THIS game...

HI! I'm getting close to hitting 1000 FOLLOWERS (woohooo!) and I'm thinking about doing some special things to celebrate this:

- A Fireside where we can play a drawing game together!

- A mini-game using the sock puppets!

What do you think of that?

Here's what I'm thinking to celebrate the 1K followers milestone... the very first SOCK TOWN prototype!

It's heavily inspired by the Reigns game, but instead of being about being a king... it's about being the director of the "Sock Town" TV show!