Build 7.2 patch notes
Fatty Orc’s Butt stomp no longer deals 0 damage.
Fatty Orc’s Hammer throw’s damage was severely decreased.
Skellies’ movement speed was slightly increased.
Fixed bug where player would be permanently unable to move if hit during the middle of the dagger’s Heavy 1 animation.
Removed the first shortcut from level 1 since the bonfire is already there.
Moved the map message regarding active skills to be nearer the spawn point.
What’s on Build 8?
Betting Challenges: When resting on a bonfire, you will be able to pick from a list of challenges. If you succeed in said challenge, you will be rewarded handsomely! but if you fail, you will not earn experience until you have paid the cost of said challenge, ouch!
Inventory Screen: UI Screen where you will be able to choose your equipment, etc.
Status Screen: UI Screen where you will be able to see important statistics such as attributes, damage, etc.
As you can see Build 8 is pretty huge so you can expect it in a couple weeks!