A Leap Forward offers the rabbit leader several buildings / tools that can be placed in the world. They can be categorized in 4 sections:

Population buildings supply housing so that your population can grow. Each house allows for 5 more rabbits to live in your colony. More rabbits can mean a higher rate of Production! 🐇
Sure, you can spend your life gathering branches or apples, or you can invest in valuable tools! Axes, shovels and farms are a good way to grow your stockpile with resources. Your rabbits will automatically start using the tools you provide them with - or you can grab them and help out! Choose wisely! 🔨
The fox armies are no joke. With each attack, the foxes come up with new tactics and types of fox units to lay ruin to your newly founded civilization. Cleverly placing traps in the path of the enemy, building walls or scouting towers are a must if you want to keep your rabbits safe! 🛡️
In this section, you have access to a variety of ranged weapons - as a rabbit close quarters combat with hungry foxes is not a good idea. Make sure to shoot from elevated ground for a clear advantage! 🏹