By the way, it's in the best interest of y'all to test the compiler.
Basically every feature I've been working on regarding custom-blocks has been awaiting this new compiler:
- Custom hats
- Branch inputs
- End-caps
- Global custom blocks
You name it.
Next up
We have launched an experimental new compiler for Unsandboxed.
If you would like to try it out, go to https://experiments.unsandboxed.org/
Also join our now public Discord server to report (the many) bugs. https://discord.gg/Qz5ksd8u9c
cruel marketing from gamejolt XD
sharkpool seal of quality
So, Scratch 4.0.
Have fun America.
After some serious consideration, we caved and decided to make a Discord server. However, access will be extremely limited and invites extremely limited.
The invite below is limited to 10 people from our GameJolt community.
new camera extension part 2
Unsandboxed has received a small (but still sizeable) update!
We've reshuffled and reworked a lot of things. Below is a list of EVERYTHING we changed 😁
I will never ever understand the morbid obsession extension developers have with trying to make a camera system work as an extension.
Same bugs, same clunkiness. Just give up, oml.
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