cabin fever 2 has so much characters that someone might make an Ultra Custom Night about it. (I will never do that. But I might have some ideas about the mechanics of the characters)
Next up
jolly 4's Monthly Progress Updates (+ a rant about the Jolly 4 script)
a new extended soundtrack is coming at christmass day.
and you know the surprise? the videos will be pubblic.
JOLLY 4 OFFICE DEMO custom night challenges i made
BTW this is a sister location teaser reference.
fwench fwy what are you doing with those jellybeans
read the article below for an update i'm sure i'll be fine ↓↓↓
everything unused in jolly 4 + more info on a "Private Test" Build
i think you can almost guess right this time
No, it's not cancelled, don't listen to Iscream...
Here, let me update you on Night at Nuggit's progress! Go on, read the article! ↓↓↓
i think you can already guess what game is about.
one hint: i like it.