SONIC.EXE Background

9 months ago

Can you help us?We really need to! Discord - _jokil



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You go through the same cycle thinking that you can save them. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT THE CASE! But if you put in a little more effort... Although, what am I talking about? THEY WILL NEVER ESCAPE THEIR FATE!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I found you faker!

pleh esaelp ,niaga

Cold so cold

aoaоaaaоaaaоооaоaоaaоaa, it's beautiful. created this-(@Slaudem )

Dont trust in a faker

Right? :)

everything comes to an end sooner or later, what do you think?

Sonic exe DVL OST(Victim Running Away From Angel Island )

Wrote this song= @GekoriasSairando

WIP lol

hEllO My fRiENd!

art by - @Slaudem