Added Desert Eagle
Added collision physics between the player and the ragdoll's
Added a little impact on the camera when you jump
Added a new type of capsule for the shotgun when shooting
Now the player's items are visible on the back of them
Improved the lean system
Increased a bit the zombie spawn speed
Pistol damage was changed from 38 to 26
Reworked how the crosshair work
Reworked how the player actions work (actually, I just moved the entire part of the actions from the player script to another to make the player script cleaner)
Reworked how the first-perform work
Changed the speed of the wave countdown from 0.9 to 1
Changed the way the money popup is displayed on the HUD (now they show where the money was received/removed)
Fixed player legs rotation
Fixed a few transitions between the walking animations to the crouching animations
Fixed the speed of the player walking left animation
Fixed a bug where the cost popup continue displaying even after you unlocked a new area
Fixed a bug where you are able to attack zombies that are behind you with the Fire Axe
Fixed a rendering problem with bullet capsules
Fixed the quality of some texts like the kills, money, ms and etc