Untitled Game
4 years ago

Changelog 0.6.0

Hey guys! I finally finished the development for demo 0.6.0, now you can play with some friends! I also have made some changes so, take a look:



  • Multiplayer w/ 4 Players per match.

  • Fullscreen and resolution options.

  • HUD now scales according to the size of the monitor. (I think it works with 4K too)


  • Reworked how the barricades work

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where your mouse does not display again when you die and go back to the menu.

  • Fixed a bug where you can't play again when returning to the menu and start another match.

That's all for now, Sorry but I forget to write everything I made again so, I don't remember everything I have changed something , now I'll take the day off and think about what I'll work on tomorrow, see you guys soon!



Next up

Changelog 0.17.2

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?

Nickname System, improving a few things, and maybe a reconnect system!

Algumas foto de como tá a HUD agora, ainda quero muda muita coisa mas tá bonito até

Devlog #6 New lobby, Appearance and more!

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

Changelog 0.7.0

fiz alguns icones pros perks, ainda tem alguns pra fazer mas boa parte já tá pronta

In-game options and next steps!

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings