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All good things are coming to an end....
Five Nights At Team Rocket HQ's 2014 GJ Teaser image Recreated in 3D (may not be 100% acurate)
Basicaly my life IRL and why i take forever to post updates and builds, shown in the from of a 3d animation.
Happy Halloween! New Halloween Demo!
Important Reminder for HLS players!
It's almost ready, Stay tuned cause theres one last thing i gotta do.....
Emerald save system now officaly implemented
The animation's been scrapped i originaly intended this for Halloween but i got something that basicaly teases what it was meant to. Merry christmas ya filithy animals and have fun when it releases!
Where the heck have i been and what are my plans for the future?
Just Kidding! I'm not actualy deleting the game, but i'm not kidding about the rest. Solve this if you can: