
2 years ago

Coming Soon: The Survival Update

Show me what you've got.

The Survival Update is the first major content update for Fissure. This update aims to make the game more difficult, while staying balanced and fair. It also aims to provide a proper identity for the game.

Planned Features


Every adventurer needs to pack food for the journey. Failing to do so can lead to unfavorable effects.


An empty hunger bar will result in a slow loss of health. On Easy and Medium difficulty, it will only damage you down to a half heart. In Hard difficulty, it can kill you.


Hunger is gradually depleted over time, the rate of which depending on your diet. Although your overall hunger is in a single meter, a balanced diet will make it deplete slower (measured by Meats, Fruits, and Veggies).


Technically, you have 4 hunger bars, although they all ultimately blend into one. Each bar has a max value of 10.

Meats: The Meats category deals with meats, of course. The subclasses for Meats are Fish, Red Meat, and Monster Meat.

Fruits: The Fruits category deals with food found in trees and bushes. The subclasses for Fruits are Regular and Berries.

Veggies: The Veggies category deals with food found in the dirt. Most veggies are Modifier Items, which give you a buff to go with the meal.
Saturation: Saturation measures your overall "fullness." This is determined by the size of a dish. For example, a Cavefish Filet (1x Cavefish) will give 2 Saturation points, while a Hearty Steak Feast (1x Hearty Beetroot, 2x any Red Meat) will completely fill your Saturation.

This may sound complicated, but don't fret! An unbalanced diet does not result in any debuffs, it only effects the speed in which your hunger depletes!


Cooking is no longer just putting a crafting recipe into the furnace. In order to cook, you will need either a furnace, a campfire, or a cooking pot, with each station having their own recipes and saturation bonuses.

Cooking Stations

Campfire: The easiest-to-obtain cooking station is the Campfire, which gives you one input slot. You can use it to cook simple dishes. The Campfire gives Meat-type meals the Well-Done bonus.

Furnace: Not only can you smelt ores with the Furnace, you can also cook with it! The Furnace provides two input slots, allowing you to mix ingredients. The Furnace gives baked goods the Rich bonus.

Cooking Pot: The Cooking Pot gives you three input slots and is the premium choice for any chef in the Fissure. The Cooking Pot gives all foods the Scrumptious bonus.


Tired of having to dive into the water to catch dinner? Now you can cast your line into the water's surface and keep your clothes dry! Simply click when the lure bobs!


Depending on the biome and size of the pool, you can catch exclusive and rare fish! These fish can vary between being Base cooking items and Modifier cooking items, with a few being reserved for potion-making.

Other Loot

Not only can you find fish down there, but some people leave perfectly good loot under the water! You can find trinkets, valuables, and even weapons!

Other Goodies

  • Fancier structures

  • Farming

  • Something lurking in the Overgrowth...



Next up

yup, it works

Who's this little fella?

Coming Soon: The Purge Update

listen it's a good song (which will be posted in the future)

It's way too chilly out here...

ayo wtf

that wasn't a bit btw, I'm actually doing something silly

Fissure Teaser - Overgrowth Theme & Overhaul

Hoping for a big one...

Fissure Beta 0.2.0 - "The Survival Update" has been released! Patch notes below: