FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate

7 years ago

Coming soon to Steam.

Click to see the Game’s Steam store page
Just like on the site, the Steam version of the game will be completely Free. Of course the Steam version might have Achievement and Trading Cards, though I can’t guaranteed this, due to Valve not being clear on weather Free games can have Achievements/Trading Cards or not. Whatever the case, my game is heading to Steam. Hope you all look forward to the Steam release.



Next up

FROSTBITE Deadly Climate - v1.7 - Now Available

FROSTBITE Deadly Climate - v1.6 - Now Available

Like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, v1.5 of FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate will have a Game Result screen.

Available Now on STEAM

Some status on v1.5 of FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate.

My new game The Possession Experiment is here!!

FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate version 1.5 is finally available!!

Just fix/edited the Credits and ditch the Splash Screen

FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate | Version 2.0

On 11/19/17 I released my game FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate to websites like GameJolt and Now it has been a full year sense it's release and I must say that there has been an interesting, but very stressful experience.