
Comments (46)

What do you think?

Congrats its a crazy game

I saw your request to 8-bitryan saying that he should check this one out and I'm about to play it so hopefully its good :D
I hope my fans enjoy it as-well!!!

This version of Frostbite is so much better than the original! Better graphics, better gameplay and amazing new mechanics! I did run into a few bugs, after climbing the latter in the garage I got stuck on top of it. Also after reloading the game it froze and I couldn't get out of the loading screen! Other than that this game is a masterpiece and can't wait to play more of it!
Waaay cooler than the original Frostbite.

More and more potential. Really want to see this in a full game.

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FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate

Version: 2.0.0over 6 years ago
Survive the arctic research base simply known as Base 75, or die from the freezing cold or by the horrors that lurk within the halls? (Resident Evil 7 meets John Carpenter’s The Thing)


A lone Arctic Biologist ends up getting lost in a sudden snow storm and must take refuge in an arctic research base simply called Base 75. However, the base has no power (meaning no heat) and what’s worse it is clear he is not alone in Base 75.

Frostbite: Deadly Climate is a First-Person Survival-Horror game that takes heavy inspiration from John Carpenter’s The Thing in Setting/Story with gameplay similar to Resident Evil 7. Along with a heavy focus on Atmospheric/Psychological Horror over Cheap/Mindless Jumpscares.

Taking place in an arctic setting, players must watch their body temperature as it will slowly drain throughout. As the body temperature decreases the player will notice some negative effects and will even loose health if their body temp is at 0%.

Game Features

  • Exploration, Item Management, Puzzles, and Combat is the primary gameplay.

  • an Area Temperature system that can be affected by the players actions and in return affects the player character’s body temperature.

  • 4 Difficulty Modes (Easy, Normal, Hard, and Nightmare).

  • a Resident Evil inspired Save System that requires an item to save your game.

  • a Silent Hill inspired Map system that marks open/lock doors and presents your current objective.

  • And much, much more.

This game is in fact a Reboot to my original Frostbite game.

Hashtags - #survival #horror #shooter #adventure #action #spooky #singleplayer #atmospheric #storyrich #firstperson #mystery #exploration

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language

On 11/19/17 I released my game FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate to websites like GameJolt and Now it has been a full year sense it's release and I must say that there has been an interesting, but very stressful experience.

FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate | Version 2.0

Available Now on STEAM

One Week left til the Steam Release of FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate.


Coming to Steam - July 22, 2018 - Free Horror Game
